OMNI provides a number of Water, Surface, and Air solutions beyond our flagship Laundry and Legionella applications, including but not limited to...
Cooling Towers
Cooling tower water treatment is necessary to ensure an efficient process and long equipment service life. If cooling tower water is left untreated, organic growth, fouling, scaling, and corrosion can reduce plant productivity, cause plant downtime, and require costly equipment replacement down the road. OMNI Solutions' UV technology helps to remove damaging impurities from cooling tower feed water, circulation water and/or blowdown.
UV Potable Water Disinfection
OMNI Solutions’ UV technology is extremely effective in potable water tank disinfection. The UV process is quick, simple, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. Industrial disinfection applications may include: Dairy, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, breweries, chemical plants, bottling plants, electronics, marine industries, petroleum industries, textile industries, swimming pools, microelectronics, university, food industries, medical centers and research industries.
Surface Disinfection
Surface disinfection is becoming paramount for many industries. OMNI provides technology that uses UV-C light energy to help keep surfaces hygienically clean. A 53’ linen transport vehicle can be treated in approximately 10 minutes (once per day) and a 24’ vehicle in approximately 2-3 minutes (2-3 times per day). This technology can be used in a variety of other applications as well, including high-traffic areas.
Laundry Bag Disinfection
OMNI provides technology designed to help eliminate the time-consuming, laborious, and not very cost-effective laundry bag cleaning process. This technology is automated and integrated into your rail system, cleaning bags after every use. No downtime and no labor involved - all while operating at a mere fraction of the typical bag cleaning process costs.
Laundry Cart Cleaning
OMNI provides technology designed to wash all of the most popular laundry carts. No complicated rotating boom to hang up and break on the standard molded carts. Bin or shelf models can easily be accommodated automatically by selecting the proper spraying pattern. Simple to operate - load the cart and push start. Two minutes later it's ready for unloading from the clean side of the laundry.
And that's not all! Contact us today, or view our Current Product Line to learn more!